Rejected Lore book cover

Rejected Lore 8 – Dead Man’s Tale

At Budgie we write a lot of lore, but we also write a lot of bad lore that doesn’t make it into the game. This is the Rejected Lore.

Rejected Lore 8 – Dead Man’s Tale

This is a Dead Man’s Tale, Spoiler Alert, a Horror Story of the Travelers Chosen.  

The Messenger was One Small Step from Tranquility and Prosperity, the Heir Apparent to an Outrageous Fortune. Then the Sudden Death of his Ghost Primus. The Cold Front of The MountainTop, an Imminent Storm then Hailing confusion. Merciless was the Avalanche, the Deathbringer.  He was Lonesome without a Cartesian Coordinate, now on Borrowed Time. So began The Long Walk through the Arctic Haze.  A Dead Man Walking, an Empty Vessel, saying Farewell without The Guiding Sight. There could be no Cold Denial, The End was coming with a Coldheart, internal Thermal Erosion.  Stuck in Frozen Orbit, he knew the Truth, the Foregone Conclusion, he was Out of Options, with only one Corrective measure: Punching Out.  A Courageous Surrender or Fools Remedy, the Perfect Paradox for his own Exit Strategy. He walked Ten Paces, took The Last Breath, and pulled the trigger with PurposeShock and Awe, he was out of ammo, Go Figure.